Tra le cose divertenti che caratterizzano il mio dialetto/lingua, abbiamo sicuramente le espressioni, i detti e anche le parolacce in napoletano: molti di questi termini ancora oggi vengono utilizzati nella loro accezione più vera, ma anche per divertimento e rafforzare un concetto in maniera colorita.
Qualche anno fa mi sono imbattuto in un file con la traduzione in inglese (molto) parziale delle frasi di cui sopra, e la cosa mi ha fatto divertire non poco; ho deciso quindi di riprendere il “progetto” ed espanderlo a cadenza regolare con nuovi termini e spiegazioni.
A tal proposito ho creato una tabella che raccoglie la frase in napoletano, la traduzione in inglese (letterale, spesso divertente) e la relativa spiegazione (seria) nella lingua d’Albione: se avete suggerimenti, volete contribuire o altro, lasciate un commento in calce al post!
Dizionario napoletano - inglese
Napulitan | English | Meaning |
Miett’ Man | Put your hand | Start your work |
O’ cazz ch’è cacat’ | The dick you shitted | Expression used to manifest disagreement / I don’t agree |
Acchiapp’ a Pepp | Catch Joseph | Expression used to suggest attention to happening events / Be careful |
Meza recchia | Half of ear | Gay |
E muorte e chi te muorte | The dead of your dead | Offensive expression blaming the dead relative |
E meglje muorte e chi te muorte | The best dead of your dead | Offensive expression blaming the poor dead relative (As the item 8 multiplied by two) |
E meglje muorte e chi te muorte e e chi te stramuorte | The best dead of your dead and of your extra dead | Offensive expression blaming the poor dead relative and the most affective dead relative (As the item 8 multiplied by four) |
E meglje muorte e chi te muorte, e chi te stramuorte e e chi te sona e campane a muort | The best dead of your dead, of your extra dead and of whom is going to play the bells at your death day | Offensive expression blaming the poor dead relative, the most affective dead relative and the alive relative (As the item 8 multiplied by eight) |
Afammocc! | No translation needed | To cheer at somebody's pain or bad luck / an exclamation after a great achievements is reached |
Ricuttar | Ricotta cheese maker | A person that take advantage of other people / A pimp |
Chi c’ha cecat? | Who blinded us? | Expression used to show regret for a done action |
E’ fatta a figura toja! | You made your own figure | A jockey way to express compliment for someone bad action |
Quant’è vvera a Maronna! | As far as Our Lady is true. | Expression used to swear |
A fessa e’ soreta | Your sister’s pussy | Some kind of insult blaming your sister |
A fessa e’ soreta rint o' bicchiere | Your sister’s pussy into a glass | Some kind of insult blaming your sister into a limited space |
Iamme bbell | Let’s go beautiful | Come on! |
Mai pe ccumanno | Never for command | A polite way to have someone do something. |
T’hanna magna’ i cani i canciello | Shall the gate dogs eat you! | Wishing bad time for hated person. |
Capo! | Head! | Hey, guy! |
Me so ffatto comm’accetta | I made myself like a hatchet | I stuffed myself with foods. |
Meza latrina | Half a public lavatory | Kind of a dark water insult |
Facimmo a fine re ccarcioffole | We make the end of artichokes | It is not exactly a good way going |
Iammo a mmare cu tutti i panni | We go into the sea with all the clothes | It is not exactly a good way going in the near future |
L’acqua è poca e a papera nun galleggia | The water is shallow and the duck doesn’t float | The realisation that the lack of factors always produce negative results. |
Avimmo fatto trenta, facimmo trentuno | We made thirty, let’s make thirty-one | It would be useless to go back now. |
Sang ra marina! | Navy’s blood! | Exclamation. (Something like “Bloody government”) |
Iammo ch’e cazzi | We go with the dicks! | It is not exactly a good trend |
Facimmece a croce | Let’s make the cross | Bad way to begin! [religious] |
Dio o’ ssape e a Maronna o’ vvere | God knows and Our Lady sees it | Only God knows the trouble I had (to do something) [religious] |
Si caruto a rint’o lietto | You fell from your bed | You woke up very early this morning |
Tieneme ‘ca te tengo! | Hold me that I hold you | We are both in trouble |
M’Adda murì mammà (o’cane, o cardill, etc..) | Shall my poor mother (dog, bird, etc) die! | I swear! |
Stamm sott o’ cielo! | We are under the sky! | Eventually we all are human and mortal! [Religious] |
Uanemabella!! | OhBeautifulSoul!! | Exclamation of surprise. |
Mazz e panella fanne e figlie bbelle | Pools and rolls generate well-mannered sons | Suggested way to breed children |
Panell e mazze fanne e figlie pazze | Rolls and pools generate crazy sons | Not suggested way to breed children / Wrong sequence sources problems in the education field! |
A’ pucchiacc mmane e criature | Pussy handled by children! | You are not in the position to appreciate what you got |
O’ Patatern da o ppane a chi nun ttene e diente! | God grants hard food to whom is toothless! | Sometimes there is no justice in this world! |
Simme fernuti a pisce fetienti! | We ended to bad fishes! | An argument that has degenerated in mutual insults or even thrashing. |
A galline fà ll’ove e o galle cia abbruce ‘o cule | Chicken delivers eggs and the cock has a pain in his bottom | Complain about somebody else’s hard working |
Nun sputa n’ciele ca n’faccia te torn | Don’t spit out the sky, cause it will back on your face | Think before talking |
Te manca sempe o’sold pa apparà a lira | You alway lack a pence to make a penny | Almost perfect, but never reached the perfection |
Addurmut' | Sleepy man | A not very clever person |
Pigliat ca bott | Taken with a blow | A not very clever person, stronger than the previous one |
Scard e' cazz | Dick's chunk | A not very smart person |
Si nu cazz’ chin r’accqua | You are a dick full of water | You are a not very smart person, with some more insulting elements in the hrase |
Sicchi’e nafta | Gas bucket | A very warm and light insult |
Figlio 'e 'ntrocchia. | Son of a (good) bitch | A very smart and clever person, generated by a person with a lot of experience. Sometimes his cleverness could led him to do bad things. |
È asciuto pazz' 'o patrone. | The owner has gone crazy! | When someone has suddenly become very generous. |
Gian Paolo Ruggiero
1 Febbraio 2020mi aiuteresti a tradurre in una poesia in inglese, magari in rima, ‘a Livella del Principe Antonio de Curtis?